CoS Training: Building a Brand for Your Member



Friday, February 25, 2011 12:00PM - 2:00PM


B-369 Rayburn

S Capitol St & Independence Ave
Washington, DC

Event Details

Branding is much more than a name, or a label. It is combination of attributes that influence thought and create strategic value to everything from toothpaste to universities to... your very own Member of Congress.

In this session, you'll learn the tricks of the trade for branding strategy and management, and what constitutes a brand that works from a brand that doesn't. You'll understand how to implement your brand across the organization so that your Member's brand is consistently delivered and reinforced at each contact-point internally and externally. Finally, you'll learn how to focus resources on those tangible and intangible assets that can differentiate your Member of Congress in a meaningful, and compelling way for your constituencies - ways that result in visibility, and votes.

Hosted By

Sarah Cunningham