Constituent Communications: How to Improve Your Correspondence System to Reduce Labor, Impress Your Boss, and Build Constituent Trust



Monday, May 6, 2019 12:30PM - 2:00PM


2043 Rayburn House Office Building

Event Details

One fundamental truth bedevils every congressional office – the struggle to keep pace with the incredible amount of constituent mail. Managing and responding to constituent correspondence can represent 20-30% of office resources in many offices. Moreover, the workflow and communications practices, while utilizing modern technology, have largely remained unchanged for 40 years.

Join CMF and a panel of your colleagues in a can't-miss seminar on how to better manage your mail program and constituent correspondence. During this interactive program participants will:

  • Identify ways to innovatively address the onslaught of mail;
  • Learn how to shorten and improve the writing and approval process; and
  • Understand how to make constituents feel they were "heard," instead of feeling they just got a form letter.

The program will include recent research from congressional offices that utilize innovative methods to conduct operations and engage with citizens.

Lunch will be served.

Who May Attend

This program is for Chiefs of Staff, Deputy Chiefs of Staff, Legislative Directors, and Communications Directors only.

While CMF recognizes that junior staff are involved in the mail operations in office, they are usually not authorized to unilaterally make changes to operations – this training is for senior staff in offices aiming to make significant improvements to their correspondence systems.

How to Register

To RSVP for this event, please email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


The program will be conducted by Brad Fitch, President and CEO of CMF, who started his congressional career typing constituent correspondence on a typewriter!

About the Congressoinal Management Foundation

The Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to building trust and effectiveness in Congress. CMF does not employ or retain a registered lobbyist. Our programs comply with both House and Senate ethics rules and laws, allowing staff to attend.

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