"Life in Congress" Webinar: Enhancing Workplace Flexibility in Congress

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Tuesday, October 15, 2019 2:00PM - 3:00PM



Event Details

"How do I know staffers are working if I can't see them?"
"We tried a flexible work schedule. A few staffers ruined it for all of us."
"We care about our constituents and they need responses immediately."
"My boss will NEVER go for it."

Well, just how DO you overcome these objections? Join us for this webinar that will feature the "Workflex Toolkit for Congress," a practical guide with worksheets, assessments, and tips for how to make flexible working options a reality in your office. You will also hear from congressional managers who will provide their perspectives on:

  • The strategies and tactics their offices have tried to help staff better manage their work and home lives;
  • How they developed their workflex policies;
  • The benefits they've seen in their office to having family-friendly or more flexible policies; and
  • Their advice for other offices on modifying their employment practices.


The program will be led by Lisa Horn and Bradford Fitch. Lisa is Vice President for Policy Engagement at SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management. She is an expert on paid leave and workplace flexibility trends and research, and is a former congressional staffer. Brad, CMF's President and CEO, has extensive consulting and teaching experience both at CMF and at American University where he served as an adjunct associate professor. Brad worked on Capitol Hill for 13 years and previously edited Setting Course: A Congressional Management Guide.


This program is open to all congressional staff. To RSVP for this event, please register via this link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8705340833249535491

More Information

The "Workflex Toolkit for Congress" is a combination of advice and research that is designed to help educate congressional managers and employees about flexibility in the workplace. The booklet explains what workflex is, why it's important, and how it can be implemented in Congress by addressing obstacles to workflex, conducting organizational and employee assessments, and drafting workflex plans that work for the office and for the staffer.

The Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to building trust and effectiveness in Congress. CMF does not employ or retain a registered lobbyist. Our programs comply with both House and Senate ethics rules and laws, allowing staff to attend. Learn more at CongressFoundation.org and on Twitter @CongressFdn.

SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management, creates better workplaces where employers and employees thrive together. As the voice of all things work, workers and the workplace, SHRM is the foremost expert, convener and thought leader on issues impacting today's evolving workplaces. With 300,000+ HR and business executive members in 165 countries, SHRM impacts the lives of more than 115 million workers and families globally. Learn more at SHRM.org and on Twitter @SHRM.

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