Award-Winning Characteristic #5: Promoting Accountability to Constituents

In our continuing series about Gold Mouse criteria, this week's topic is about using your website to communicate the Member's work in Congress. A fundamental tenet of representative democracy is that elected officials should be accountable to their constituents, and your website provides an easy-access point for the average citizen.

To be increase your accountability and transparency, your website should provide information on all roll call votes, including how your Member voted and how the outcome of the vote. The best websites will highlight key votes and provide explanations for why the Member voted the way they did.

Characteristic #5: Promoting Accountability to Constituents

Questions to be answered:

  • What is the Member doing legislatively in Congress? What action have they taken on key issues?
  • Does your site link to the Member's voting record or include access to all the Member's votes?
  • Does your site link to or discuss the Member's sponsorships and co-sponsorships for the current Congress?
  • Do you highlight key votes and explain why the Member voted the way they did?

The specifics we look for:

  • Information on the Member's legislative activity, work and duties.
  • The Member's voting record, particularly those with an easy-to-read format that lists every roll call vote, how the Member voted, and the outcome of each vote.
  • Explanation of how to read a roll call vote.
  • A list of the legislation the Member has sponsored and co-sponsored, or a link to the appropriate page on THOMAS (soon to be with that information.
  • If links and information on the Member's voting record and legislative activity are updated.
  • Explanations of key votes on high-profile legislation and rationale for why the Member voted the way they did.

Award-Winning Examples: Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK)

10 Characteristics of an Award-Winning Member Website:

  1. Information on Issues
  2. Timeliness
  3. Usability
  4. Constituent Services and Casework
  5. Promoting Accountability to Constituents
  6. Legislative Process Information
  7. District/State Information
  8. Floor Proceedings
  9. Diversity of Communications Content
  10. Diversity of Communications Channels