Office Toolkit

In our 40-year history, CMF has identified a range of practices that can have significant positive impact on Member office operations and constituent interactions. From 2016-2017, CMF conducted research with 17 congressional offices to test better methods for common tasks. The research included surveys of constituents, measuring their level of satisfaction with these new methods. The result is this online CMF Office Toolkit.

The CMF Office Toolkit provides a general overview of some of the easy-to-implement suggestions CMF has found to have the best positive impact on offices' constituent interactions. Each of the topics below provides an overview of why improvement is vital and our recommendations for changes. Congressional staff will access: steps to implement enhancement; research on why the enhancements work; videos of congressional staff describing how each experiment worked in their offices; and links to helpful content to help you get buy-in from your office and bring around any skeptic in the office.


  1. Conduct a Constituent Satisfaction Survey

  2. Improve Casework

  3. Improve Mail Operations

  4. Improve Telephone Town Hall Meetings

  5. Scheduling