Congressional Operations

CMF works internally with Member offices, committees, leadership, and institutional offices in the House and Senate to foster improved management practices. From interns to Chiefs of Staff to Members themselves, CMF provides services adapted to the unique congressional environment.


The Exemplary Member Podcast

As a part of the Congressional Member Leadership and Development Program, the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer has partnered with the Congressional Management Foundation to produce six episodes of a podcast geared specifically to today's Member. Read more


Building Trust by Modernizing Constituent Engagement

thumb-rotunda-bwThis report is designed to help new and veteran offices better understand why and how to create a Constituent Engagement Strategy that goes beyond responding to incoming mail. The brief provides insight into and guidance on: the importance of building constituent trust in Members, Congress, and democracy; CMF's 10 principles for robust citizen engagement; how to create a Strategic Constituent Engagement Plan that serves Member goals and constituent needs; and how to streamline reactive communications, which will always represent the bulk an office's constituent engagement. Read more


Workflex Toolkit for Congress

thumb-rotundaThe "Workflex Toolkit for Congress" is a combination of advice and research that is designed to help educate congressional managers and employees about flexibility in the workplace. The booklet explains how workflex can be implemented in Congress by addressing obstacles to it, conducting organizational and employee assessments, and drafting workflex plans that work for the office and for the staffer. Read more

Management Services

CMF provides management services on a strictly confidential basis tailored to the needs of each office. Our most popular services include strategic planning, teambuilding, executive coaching, mail consultations and complete office reviews. Read more

New Member Resource Center

CMF offers several resources to help new Members successfully transition into Congress, including extensive guidance on setting up a congressional office. Read more


CMF publishes a series of management guidebooks for Hill staff, including our signature publication, Setting Course. To produce these books, CMF studies the best practices of congressional offices, and applies top private-sector management ideas to Congress. Read more

Resources by Topic

From setting up your first office to closing it down and everything in-between, CMF has you covered. This section includes our most popular guidance on congressional operations, organized into four main categories: Strategy & Planning, Managing Staff, Constituent Communications, and District/State. Read more

Staff Training

CMF offers several professional development opportunities for House and Senate staff. Programs for Chiefs of Staff and Legislative Directors are held throughout the year on a range of management topics. We also offer regular webinars on workplace topics through our "Life in Congress" project. Read more