The Congressional Management Foundation heartily applauds the House Appropriations Committee for taking an important step toward making Congress more transparent and accountable to the People it serves. The decision to consolidate all Community Funded Projects (CFP’s) requests in one accessible online table builds on the critical recommendations by the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress to restore local input into federal funding decisions. We would like to applaud House Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro for her leadership in taking this bold step, aiming to open a window to a part of the government spending process that no committee chair has previously attempted. Bravo!
The leadership of both the House Appropriations and Select committees deserve tremendous credit for taking steps to restore to Congress the powers enumerated by the Founders in Article One of the Constitution. As this project develops, CMF will continue to offer suggestions as to how the Congress can continue on this extraordinary path toward modernization and improve its operations to better serve constituents.