Events for Partners

Individuals who are affiliated with organizations that SUBSCRIBE to CMF's Partnership for a More Perfect Union have the opportunity to participate in CMF-hosted events, including Advocacy Leaders Network workshops and Webinars for citizen advocates affiliated with Partner organizations.

Future Citizen Advocate Webinars

(Links lead to additional details about program content and are not registration links. Dates listed below are placeholders. Specific dates for 2021 webinars will be identified once Congress's 2021 is clarified.)

Citizen-Advocate Webinar Archive

Last year's Citizen-Advocate Webinar recordings are available for Partners to distribute to their supporters for review at relevant times and at their convenience.

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Partners are encouraged to promote CMF's Citizen Advocacy Webinars to members, supporters, or employees in their networks. Citizen Advocate Webinars are not opened to individuals who do not meet this criteria.

For more information on the Partnership for a More Perfect Union, please complete this form or contact the Congressional Management Foundation.