Boost Your Fly-In Event's Performance!

Advocacy organizations commonly invest tens of thousands of dollars on their advocacy fly-in events, yet do not adequately train their citizen advocates – the very people who can tell a Member of Congress how a bill or issue affects key constituents.

CMF's Advocacy Training Is Proven Effective

CMF conducted two anonymous surveys. We asked congressional staff the following two questions.

  • How prepared is the typical constituent you meet with?
  • How prepared was the (advocacy academy) representative(s) that you met with?

The results show that CMF's training works. While nearly 9 out of 10 congressional staffers agree that citizen advocates could be better prepared for their meetings, nearly every congressional staffer (97%) said the CMF advocacy academy trainees they met with were "very prepared."

Research-Proven Training to Meet Your Unique Needs 

CMF's interactive training is based on CMF-research-proven strategies. Training is customizable to meet your needs. Topics include the following:

  • "Build Relationships with Your Members of Congress and Why it's Important"
  • "What to Do Before, During and After Meeting with Your Members of Congress"
  • "Mine your Network for Connections to Congress"
  • "Tell Effective Stories That Influence Lawmakers' Decisions"
  • "Host Local Events to Engage Members of Congress"
Contact us for a proposal.


Research Center

CMF conducts research that Partners may repurpose to improve and strengthen their supporters' relationships with their Members of Congress. CMF's research is primarily provided to partners through CMF's exclusive website for organizations that participate in the Partnership for a More Perfect Union and regular notices about new resources available to Partners. CMF recommends that individuals use these steps to register for CMF's exclusive Partner-only website. Read more

Events for Partners

Individuals who are affiliated with organizations that are engaged in the Partnership for a More Perfect Union have the opportunity to participate in CMF-hosted events, including private briefings and webinars  on research provided only to CMF Partners, Advocacy Leaders Network workshops and webinars (not co-branded) for citizen advocates who are affiliated with Partner organizations. Read more

Training for Partners

CMF delivers training to Partners' and their supporters through in-person presentations, Webinars, and videos. Advanced advocacy training is also available on a fee-for-service basis. Descriptions of our training programs are available on CMF's Website of by contacting us. Read more

Our Partners

Supporters of the Partnership for a More Perfect Union are dedicated to bringing about a United States where Members of Congress and citizens have a vibrant, active, and engaged relationship characterized by mutual respect, a sense of shared purpose, and a dedication to the tenets of representative democracy. Read more

Join the Partnership

Those who join the Partnership will not only be helping to improve the relationship and communication between citizens and Members of Congress, they will also enjoy many benefits that will help improve their own communications to Capitol Hill. For more information on the Partnership for a More Perfect Union, please complete this form or contact the Congressional Management FoundationRead more

How to Register for Partners-Only Content

CMF conducts research that Partners may repurpose to improve and strengthen their supporters' relationships with their Members of Congress. CMF's research is primarily provided to partners through CMF's exclusive website for organizations that participate in the Partnership for a More Perfect Union and regular notices about new resources available to Partners. CMF recommends that individuals use these steps to register for CMF's exclusive Partner-only website. Read more

Policy on Ethical Communications and Congress

A core tenet of the Congressional Management Foundation's mission is to facilitate constructive dialogue between Congress and the citizens it serves. When groups or individuals who engage in practices in conflict with this core tenet seek to participate in one of our training programs or request our services, CMF will decline to assist per our Policy on Ethical Communications and CongressRead more