
Principle 7: While individual Members should prioritize engagement with their own constituents, Congress should develop additional venues for public policy participation and engagement.

Since lawmakers are bound by duty and practice to focus mostly on their own constituents, however, Congress should create other means for the People to engage with Congress in meaningful and thoughtful ways. There are currently few mechanisms for a concern to be raised to Congress except through an individual’s own legislators, who have complete discretion in what issues they pursue.

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Advocacy organizations are focusing on ease and efficiency when lobbying Congress, instead of strategies that are more effective, but harder to implement

Like Congress, the associations, nonprofits, and corporations that facilitate grassroots advocacy campaigns to legislators are unwittingly aiding the process of turning constituent contact into data points instead of true engagement.

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Congress lacks the capacity to meet the demands of a 21st century constituency

Though the public image of Congress is as an institution with unlimited resources, the lack of capacity for Congress to perform its role in democracy and the impact that it is having on our practice of democracy is now well-documented. Significant increases in the U.S. population and reductions in Legislative Branch staffing and budget are some of the biggest challenges to congressional capacity.

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Principle 6: Congressional Engagement Should Promote Accessibility for All

When our tools for engaging with Congress rely mostly or exclusively on the internet, we leave out voices that need to be represented in public policy. The key is to facilitate the broadest possible inclusion. Modern methods of engagement should strive to ensure that all have equal voice in Congress, regardless of status, wealth, ability, distance, broadband access, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other dimension of difference.

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What Constitutes Effective Citizen Deliberation?

What constitutes effective citizen deliberation and how can Members of Congress use it to better engage their constituents in their decision-making processes?

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Principle 5: Congress Should Provide Additional and Diverse Avenues for Public Participation

Refinements to our thinking about how best to implement our First Amendment rights in our engagement with Congress may add new channels and processes and make changes to existing ones, but existing channels will not easily go away. Said another way, people are still going to write letters to Congress, and Congress should read them. No one-size-fits-all solution exists when it comes to communications between Members and those they represent.

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Congressional Management Foundation Announces Promotion of Jaime Werner and Addition of Two Staff Members

WASHINGTON, D.C. – CMF is pleased to announce the promotion of Jaime Werner to Vice President of Strategy and Development and welcome two new staff members, Anna Lee Hirschi and Crystina Darden, to our team.

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