Advocacy Strategies - Turning a Grassroots Supporter into a Grasstops Leader

[Available Formats - Presentation (45-60 minutes)]

Program Content: CMF research shows that grasstops advocates (sometimes referred to as "key contacts" or "ambassadors") have a great deal of influence on their policymakers' decisions. A majority of congressional staff in a CMF survey showed "less than 10 emails" would get their attention if they were sent by someone who claimed to represent more constituents (connected to a nonprofit, association, or company in the district/state). While being an ambassador has its advantages, consistently engaging policymakers can be difficult to fit into a grasstops advocate's already busy life. This presentation will teach local advocacy leaders the skills needed for any advocacy operation to be effective; how to find community allies to help advance policy priorities; strategies for mapping connections to policymakers within their personal and professional networks; and how to adjust communications to resonate with any public official.

Audience: Advanced