21st Century Town Hall Meetings

CMF believes there is a need for a more deliberative and civil dialogue between citizens and elected officials. And our research on the effects of online town halls shows that this dialogue is possible. The Congress 3.0 Project continued this work by conducting comparative research on the telephone town halls that are now common on Capitol Hill, resulting in guidance on how to improve these sessions for constituents.


Improving Telephone Town Hall Meetings

tthm-hosting-graph-2Telephone town hall meetings are one of the most significant technological advances in Congress in the past two decades. However, little research or guidance was available to help  make the most of these communications tools. As part of the Congress 3.0 project, CMF tested ways to improve constituents' satisfaction with telephone town halls. Our research shows it IS possible: In before and after surveys, constituents were more likely to view the Representative favorably after they had participated in a telephone town hall meeting, even if their question didn't get asked.

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Online Town Hall Meetings: Exploring Democracy in the 21st Century

thumb-townhallThis report summarizes the findings and recommendations from a study of 21 online town hall meetings between Members of Congress and their constituents which were facilitated by the Congressional Management Foundation and our academic research partners.

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