Upcoming Events: Virtual Happy Hours for Congressional Staff

Overview of the Virtual Happy Hour Series

Working remotely does not have to mean working alone.

Wherever you are at 3 pm (Eastern) on Friday afternoon, relax in front of the laptop and join your colleagues, the Congressional Management Foundation, and some other friends of Hill staffers for a casual, lightly-programmed virtual staff happy hour.

Each week we'll invite speakers to share timely tips and strategies for dealing with your rapidly-changing working conditions. Your questions and suggestions will determine the next week's topic.

This Week's Topic

Personal Resilience in the Face of COVID-19 with special guests Liz McBride from the House Office of Employee Assistance and Kristin Welsh-Simpson from the Senate Employee Assistance Program. Join us to discuss how to manage stress & anxiety during this time, share your ideas and concerns, and learn how to build resilience.


Friday, March 27 (and every Friday)
3-4pm Eastern/12-1pm Pacific

How to Register

All congressional staff and interns are welcome. Register at: https://us04web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_O2zFIgJpRsOGhRJjajzN3w
(Please note the change in software - we are now using Zoom instead of GoToWebinar)

(Instructions on how to connect will be included in the confirmation email. We recommend testing your system ahead of time to ensure you can hear and see the session.)

More Information

Your hosts: the Congressional Management Foundation, POPVOX, and members of the APSA Tech & Innovation Subcommittee on Congressional Reform