Constituent Service Retreats

Why Focus on Constituent Service?

Member office services (from Member access to mail to policy position updates) are under ever-increasing scrutiny. Social media, access to technology, and shifts in generational communication patterns are only a few of the trends heightening the demand for constituent experience processes that enhance the reputation of the Member. The constituent service retreat is custom-designed to address the unique dynamics of serving the electorate in a complex, high-stakes, high-transparency environment.


The objective of the constituent service retreat is to innovate executable process enhancements that will improve your Member’s constituent service experiences. Results include the identification, collective commitment, and project plan for three key top-priority service improvement projects.

Since 70% of change efforts fail (because we fail to address the human factors associated with change), this retreat is designed to help the office:

  • Understand how people are impacted by change, and create a new openness to imagining, realizing, and implementing constituent service process improvements.
  • Ideate and innovate around the existing processes and opportunities.
  • Prioritize and select key initiatives.
  • Create an executable 45-day plan, and associated accountabilities.


The constituent service retreat is carefully designed to serve two integrated outcomes: 1) improvements to the constituent service processes, and 2) improvements to interpersonal relationships within the offices. Both outcomes are essential to improving the constituent experience.

The one-day retreat will follow this basic framework:

  1. Pre-reading - Staff will invest approximately four hours in advance of the retreat completing assigned pre-reading. This reading sets the tone for the retreat, and creates a common experience and language on which the retreat will build.
  2. Morning - The morning session includes a debrief of pre-reading, a shared learning experience on the human factors associated with change, ideation of constituent service issues, critical issue prioritization, and a identification of possible solutions.
  3. Afternoon - The afternoon opens with the group selecting the three key projects for execution. Project implementation plans are created, including tasks, resource requirements, and projected time-lines, accountabilities, and collective commitment is established.


The cost of a one-day constituent service retreat is $3,000, which includes pre-retreat interviews and preparation. The office is responsible for materials and logistics for the retreat. If the session is outside of the Washington DC area, the office will also be charged for travel time at $100/hour and all associated travel costs.


If you would like further information about this service, or would like to discuss other CMF services, please contact us. All contacts with CMF are strictly confidential.

CMF Credentials

Several characteristics distinguish CMF from other management groups. These include:

  • We have been researching, writing, and providing advice on the subject of congressional management since 1977.
  • We have successfully worked with over one hundred House and Senate offices and provide management services that are tailored to the unique needs of congressional offices.
  • As a non-profit organization, we are able to set our fees at a level that is within reach of congressional office budgets.