In January 2005, former Rep. Cass Ballenger's (NC) office shared their constituent services manual with other congressional offices upon his retirement. It was an excellent reference that was developed over several years, covering the major casework categories and providing helpful advice on dealing with constituents and solving their problems. Unfortunately, this manual was only available in PDF and some of the material become outdated.
Fortunately, the staff in Rep. Marlin Stutzman's (IN) office used this sample manual just as it was intended -- they converted it to Word and adapted it for use in their office. Additionally, they created a two-page summary document called "Quick Guide for Casework." Through their hard work and generosity, CMF is pleased to share these additional documents with district and state offices.
Note: CMF did not create and is not responsible for the content or timeliness of these manuals. They are offered here so that other congressional offices may download and adapt them to their specific office needs, systems, and policies. Each of these documents will open in a new window.
- Sample Casework Manual (744 Kb) (from Rep. Stutzman, January 2011)
- Quick Guide for Casework (40 Kb) (from Rep. Stutzman, January 2011)
- Sample Constituent Services Manual (1.4 Mb) (from Rep. Ballenger, January 2005)